Third Degree is a GREEN Venue! - Third Degree Glass Factory
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Third Degree is a GREEN Venue!


Third Degree is proud to be apart of the St. Louis Green Business Challenge. We are currently at the Apprentice Level in our first year.  At all of our events & weddings we sort and recycle our waste. In addition, we offer beautiful canister’s of water on our bars, instead of water bottles and/or glasses on the table.  We also ask that all caterers try to recycle as much as possible and use only recyclable plastic (1-5 & 7) when using disposables. After labeling our trash cans- landfill and recycle, we have in turn reduced our landfill trash by half! Third Degree is also part of the Ameren MO Pure Power Program.


Third Degree also hosted the United States Green Building Council-Missouri Gateway Chapter’s annual dinner called Growing Green Spotlight on March 25, 2015 that honored individuals and organizations transforming the built environment.

Here’a a great video of that fun party!


If you’re looking to have a green event, or “green-up” your event just let us know! Our staff can definitely assist you with incorporating sustainable event practices – such as green caterers, rentals, menus, decorations and much more!

Call Rachel at 314-367-4527, 204 or e-mail at

Delish on Delmar ➤ Oct. 18

We're combining Third Friday with an outdoor food & makers festival on Delmar. Live music, Makers Market & food from the DMD
Festival Details