SAVE THE DATE: “Epic!” Third Friday Open House – January 20, 2017
2016 was quite a year! But we at Third Degree are never satisfied…we want to make 2017 unforgettable!
Join us for EPIC! — January’s Third Friday! We’re kicking off the year by defying convention and going all out with our amazing (and FREE) open house! Check out all we have going on:
-Be amazed by our talented demo artists as they transform 2000 degree molten glass into incredible artwork!
-Exciting guided glass art activities: Sculpt glowing molten glass to make your own paperweight, or melt glass rods through a torch to make beads! Afraid of fire? Try out our fused glass jewelry, wine charms, bug magnet, glass tile, or nightlight ($35 per project).
-Ready to try an unconventional cocktail? Sip on our Bacon-Infused Old Fashioned! Every drink you purchase from the bar will earn you a raffle ticket to win some incredible handmade glass prizes!
-Warm eats, cold sweets: Grab an epic weenie from the Hotdog Man and top it off with Nitro Ices from Ices Plain and Fancy!
-Pop art meets Street art sensibilities in our new East Gallery display: “An Instructional Manual: How to be Human” by Kyle Heikkila.
-7:00p: We’re ditching the live music this month for circus acts of epic proportions! See Jameson & Krista perform acts on the cyr wheel and aerial silks!
-8:30p: Never a dull moment when the St. Louis Fire Technicians take over the patio!
Ready for an epic night? Come join us!