Making your own glass art is a mesmerizing process. With just a small gather of 2000 degree molten glass, you can create anything you set your mind to! Most of the artists in our studios have been making their own glass for at least a decade, and want to share their knowledge with you!
Our Hot Glass Intensives are now open for registration on Saturdays, May 14 & 28! These one-day Saturday sessions introduce you to the basics of making glass art in the Hotshop, and get you started on the Path to Independence. Get signed up here!
Our Path to Independence program is a progressive program designed to transform you from student to renter in just 16 weeks! If you’re looking to work in our Flameworking or Fused Glass studios, stay tuned! We will be introducing our Path to Independence courses for those studios this fall!
Kids can make glass too! Once again, we are collaborating with the Center of Creative Arts (COCA) this summer to offer Glassworks, three weeks of fun and exciting glass art projects!
Registration is open to kids ages 10 to 14, throughout the month of June! Sign up on COCA’s website!